Monday 24 October 2011

Story that inspired me

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Today, read through our PB idol, Hanis punya story at kekurangan vs kelebihan. Citer Enin lebih kurang citer Hanis..tade ramai kenalan tade networking, tak pandai wat  business, tak pandai nak pursuade orang and macam2 la yang wat business ni cam tak de harapan jek..tapi looking at Hanis punye experience and belief, everything is possible. Just with online business anything can happen and you will never know about your real power inside you..Yang penting bagi peluang pada diri untuk mencuba, usaha dan berjaya..Of course untuk berjaya kita kena berada dengan kumpulan yang boleh bimbing and share success story dengan kita.

Some our leaders' success story for our thought of view..

 from fulltime her income almost RM200K per month...AMAZING...

taken from Hanis's blog

dari RM3000 (first pay)


First bonus jadi CDM!

Taken from Naa's blog

I was a housewife with zero income, and i can't buy the corset.
(*mase tu, tatau plak ade chance untuk pakai for FREE!)

Then, from a friend of mine..Farah, I knew about Hanis Haizi and the business opportunity.
After knowing such a great opportunity that can really change my and out,

without hesitation, I took a chance and ready to challenge myself to do something different!
This is my new profession and i'm proud of what i have achieved so far, Alhamdulillah...

With starting income RM5000, 

It is totally true as my 2nd income was nearly RM9000.

The Payslip from the company a.k.a Love Letter! ;)

If calculate betol2, campur plak dengan hasil jualan in 2 months..
modal yang dah dikeluarkan untuk purchase the product dah pon boleh settle semua.

Memang betol la, as been explained by Hanis Haizi before i started the business..

I can really do it and "nothing is impossible".
Bila nak berjaya, just follow the right group, the right leader, and with the right motivation..confirm boleh capai kejayaan yang sama mcm our mentor.
with our great leaders & mentors, i believe in myself
saya boleh, anda boleh...kita semua pun boleh..

Everything is possible..Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ade jalan..Percaya dengan apa yang kita usahakan nescaya Allah akan tetapkan jalan dan rezeki untuk hambaNya..termasuklah:

Generate 5-6 figure side income with Premium Beautiful online business today. Diorang da dapat BMW masing2 kita bila lagi??jommm we will share you the success story and guide to achieve your success!! 

When there's a will there's always the way..

3 days to go before RM4500 cash rebate will end...make a choice today and start to create your own success story today....!!


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